3. ágú. 2023

3. ágú. 2023

ISNIC's office closed from Friday [4.8.] until Tuesday.

We at the ISNIC's office are taking an extra day off and adding Friday to the prolonged weekend.

We encourage you to log in and renew your domain names in advance to avoid your domains expiring. Important domains should be put to auto-renewal.

Please note that bank transfers are manually booked during ISNIC's office opening hours and therefore there is a risk that domains paid for by transfer, outside of ISNIC's office opening hours, will be closed and will not reopen until Tuesday, August 8th.

Important domains should always be renewed in a timely manner.

Happy "Merchant weekend"!

Skildu eftir skilaboð og við munum hafa samband næsta virka dag.

Skilaboð móttekin