21. nóv. 2012

21. nóv. 2012

25th anniversary of .is delegation

The 18th of November 2012 marks the 25 year anniversary of IANA's delegation of the .is ccTLD to Internet á Íslandi hf. (ISNIC), or rather it's predecessor, called SURIS. The .is registration information can be found here.

ISNIC has already presented  the Icelandic internet community with a gift on this anniversary year; A new stratum 1 NTP time server (https://www.isnic.is/is/ntp) has been established, open to the domestic internet, and the Reykjavík Internet Exchange (RIX) has been upgraded to support 10 Gb connections. The RIX upgrade will make general broadcasting of multimedia content in Iceland much easier. One customer, Símafélagið ehf. is already connected to RIX on 10 Gb.